Thursday, February 7, 2013

Acne treatment products ? The side effect hazard - Food Fitness Life ...

Acne has always been a major problem for most people across the globe. This skin problem has been irritating millions of youngsters and the adults alike. People tend to face a lot of problems due to acne such as pimples, pits, facial scars, low self esteem and inability to attend social functions and activities due to their scarred faces.

This is the major reason that the market place is flooded with a variety of acne treatment products. All these products claim to remove acne and even promise to let people get rid of the ugly scars on their faces. People trust all these products blindly and even switch over from one product to the other in order to get rid of their acne problem.

There are more than about hundreds of products available on the market and the ingredients used in these products are diverse. Hence, it is very important to keep tabs on the health hazards of a specific product prior to spending money on it. Since, the acne treatment products available on the market is wide, the possibility of getting affected by side effects and other health complications is also very wide.

One of the most common health complications one may face is a type of allergic reaction. The major problem with all the acne treatment products is that these contain more than one ingredient. Hence, it is very hard to make out what particular ingredient is responsible for the allergic reaction.

Most of the time the acne sufferer does not even know what ingredient is basically causing allergy. Sometimes the allergic reaction is very mild. It may just involve certain irritation or reddening of the skin. However, sometimes the allergies are so severe that people require to make serious trips to hospitals.

In case, you are considering oral acne treatment products, you need to be prepared for respiratory tract irritation. This can ultimately lead to problems such as breathing difficulties. These problems can be easily taken care of but can be fatal for asthma patients.

Isotretinoin (Accutane) is the most powerful acne medication. This is usually prescribed by a doctor only in severe cases. This is because the side effects of the medication is severe. Here are some of the side effects of this product:

a) Chapped lips

b) Depression

c) Thinning of the hair

d) Dry skin

e) Chapped skin

f) Headaches

g) Urinary problems

h) Joint pain

i) Muscle pain

Complications coming from acne treatment products are severe but rare. For most users, the side effects are mild. These involve inflammation of the skin or sometimes flaking or dryness of the skin.

It is very important to spend some quality time on reading about different products way before you make certain choices.

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Tags: acne cream side effects, acne side effects, side effects of acne, side effects of minocycline for acne, treatment for acne


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