Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Using the Law to create an enabling environment for the HIV response

The National AIDS Control Council (NACC) in partnership with the UN Joint Team on AIDS the National Empowerment of People Living with HIV (NEPHAK), KELIN and various legal and human rights organizations will tomorrow 30th October to 31st October 2012 hold the first ever national symposium in Africa on HIV, law and Human Rights as a way of taking forward the findings of the Global Commission on HIV and the Law?s report on HIV and the Law: Risks, Rights and Health.

Anchored on the theme Respect! Protect and Fulfill Human Rights, the symposium aims to initiate a dialogue among legal professionals, law enforcement agencies, communities of PLHIV including key and affected populations, service providers, government officials and institutions mandated to protect and uphold human rights on how to utilize the law and human rights to create an enabling environment for prevention, treatment, care and support of those living with and affected by HIV.

The national symposium is expected to attract over 300 participants from the 47 counties in Kenya. The two day event will entail plenary sessions, workshops and expert panel discussions on: Discrimination & equality, protection of PLHIV, punitive laws and how they affect access to services for key and affected populations, treatment rights in relations to access to healthcare, testing for HIV, property rights and the role of cultural practices on HIV.

An awards ceremony will be held on the 31st of October, at the end of the symposium to honour and celebrate individuals and organizations that have made outstanding and positive contributions to the protection of rights and dignity of key populations and those infected and affected by HIV.

KELIN has been nominated by its partners for awards in the categories of advancing children?s rights in HIV, the cross between culture and HIV and Human rights in HIV treatment.

This event provides an opportunity for KELIN, as it continues to be a key player in promotion and protection of HIV related human rights in Eastern Africa.

Source: http://kelinkenya.org/2012/10/using-the-law-to-create-an-enabling-environment-for-the-hiv-response/

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