Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Happening Fitness Tips | Brevard Happening

Every day in Brevard County has the potential to be a beach day, whether you frequent Cocoa, Melbourne, or Satellite beaches. Living in this region brings the added pressure of getting or staying in shape, especially right after the indulgent holiday season! Some people find lifting weights intimidating, so they generally stick to aerobic exercises such as jogging and walking. However, anaerobic exercise is extremely important and beneficial when it comes to overall fitness and the way you look.

What is anaerobic exercise? ?Anaerobic exercise is high intensity muscular activity that lasts for a short period of time, such as lifting weights or sprinting. Contrary to popular belief, you can burn the same amount of calories ? and even more ? doing an intense weight lifting session compared to cardio. Fear not, ladies ? lifting weight doesn?t mean you?re going to transform into a bulky bodybuilder. Anaerobic exercise has multiple benefits that will leave you looking and feeling great.

What anaerobic exercise does:

Prevents Health Problems ? Strength training can help to prevent cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, and lower back pain. The body uses glucose (aka sugar) as fuel during workouts, but if not used, it ends up being stored as fat and can lead to health risks. It can also help to alleviate these ailments if you already suffer from them. It can also strengthen your immune system.

Builds and Maintains Lean Muscle - A common misconception is that muscle loss is a result of aging; but in reality, it is the result of a sedentary lifestyle. This is a case of ?if you don?t use it, you lose it.? Strength training is a great way to maintain or build muscle to keep you strong and functionally fit.

Increases Metabolism ? The building and maintaining of lean muscle boosts the body?s metabolism. Muscle is an active tissue, and using the muscles or even just by carrying more muscle on your body compared to someone who leads a sedentary lifestyle, will result in your body burning more calories throughout the day.

The XLR8 ROM Machine

Strengthens Bones ? Millions of people suffer from osteoporosis, and drinking milk and supplementing calcium may not cut it. Strength training will increase the strength and density of your bones more than any other type of exercise.

Improves Aesthetics ? Last but not least, anaerobic exercise helps you look good! It will reshape and tone your body like no other exercise can.

Having a balance between aerobic and anaerobic exercise is key, and both are necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. For those of you that hate the common aerobic exercises, use strength training style workouts to get your cardio in as well. Using the HIIT (high intensity interval training) method of training and doing sets with shorter rest periods will really get the heart going. The XLR8 ROM Machine gives you the best of both worlds: you get a quick yet intense full body anaerobic workout while also getting your heart pumping through cardio. So whether you?re in shape or are longing for that beach body, don?t neglect anaerobic exercise when it comes to fitness.


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